Saturday, July 26, 2025
10 am to 3 PM at the Fargo-Moorhead Visitors Center: Fargo, ND.
We can’t believe it’s been 20 years since our first show took place in June of 2006. We plan to celebrate in a big way with our 20th show this July! The 20th Annual Volkswagens in the Valley Car Show is shaping up to be our largest show ever!
Hot VWs magazine will be there taking photos for an article on the club, so make sure to have your VWs projects ready. The last time Hot VWs was at our show, it resulted in some individual photo shoots for feature articles on cars owned by club members.
Our goal is to have 200 Volkswagens entered in the show!
A 1973 VW Beetle will be given away at the show (must be present to win)! More information on the raffle car and how to enter will be provided as the show gets closer. Info about accommodations and the pre-show welcome picnic to be held on Friday night are also coming soon. Stay tuned!
You can expect:
–Food, games, and fun for the whole family
–Silent auction
–Raffle (3 prizes… top prize is a 1973 VW Bug!)
–Awards for top 10 and a few silly/fun ones
–Coverage by Hot VWs Magazine
For additional information, make sure to like us on Facebook and visit our 20th Annual Car Show page by clicking here.
If you’d like to sponsor, provide a silent auction item, or kick in some door prizes, we’d LOVE that. Please reach out through our contact info on this site!